the story of shynpc all began in the cafe where i used to work at, i would blab until that one blab struck a chord in me. i seen the tune but didn’t know how to play the instrutment. i was not sure in how i was going to play the song but i knew the hum and hummed my way through that.
shynpc was constantly going through changes and experiments, trying to navigate their place in the world and to understand itself like every human. it took life and discovered itself through time.
it is as from now a creative label that specialises in art directed simulations and whatever curiosity it leans towards to which lead to the newspaper, a university project first. i seen potential in playing in the game we call life. whether we connect with the masses through social media and on the streets by word of mouth. it is for the people, for anyone who feels shy in their journey and feel that they are not a main character but do not let the identity construct feed you, you and i are a npc.
without the npc’s in the world, their is no world that exists.
dedicated to my mom who made those sacrifices.
thank you.